Payment Tokenization

For businesses wishing to accept multiple payments from a customer’s card, without the PCI DSS compliance burden of requesting and retaining the card numbers securely for every transaction, we offer Card Payment Tokenization solutions. With most of the banks pushing for payment tokenization to secure the credit card usage on mobile and web, we can help you maximize the end user reach with MMADpay Tokenization Solutions for Mobile, Web and Hosted Payment Page.

As more and more consumers are shifting towards making payments via mobile devices, and are adopting mobile payment methods like Apple Pay, Google Wallet and other mobile wallets, it is imperative for the merchants to have mobile payment tokenization for better securing mobile transactions, offering an enhanced user experience to their customers.

Who Needs Payment Tokenization?

  • Independent sales organizations targeting mobile payments.
  • Merchants from any industry with “card on file” feature.
  • Banks & Financial Institutions.
  • Retailers
  • Ecommerce Service Providers with Digital Wallets, Mobile Payments & In App Purchase.
  • Companies with a policy of not storing card data due to security reasons.

How It Works?

Tokenization is an alternate and safer data security method of encryption. In this process the sensitive card data is replaced by mathematically irreversible encrypted “Token” associated with the customer’s card number or previously authorized transaction. The unique token number can be used for the subsequent payment requests, removing the burden of storing sensitive card data by merchant and reducing PCI DSS compliance requirements and cost to your business.

Key Features

  • Reliable and cost effective.
  • Enhanced card holder experience with complete data security.
  • Easy to deploy.
  • Global reach.
  • Plug-and-play mobile solution specifically designed to secure the card information whether those are through digital wallets or In-App transactions.